If you haven’t read the introduction to
this series yet I recommend going here.
Creation Era:
(Creation / Fall / Flood /Tower of Babel)
For more ideas check out my Pinterest Board: HERE
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
I checked out these books from our church library to read throughout the week. Every night we used a different book/Bible to read the creation story.
I found these great sequencing cards at biblestoryprintables.com
I had Benjamin cut out the cards then I would mix them up and have him put them back in order.
I printed out numbers 1-7 from this Blog Link and we decorated them to help remember what God made on each day of creation.
This was a huge success for Benjamin since he is a visual learner.

On day 3 we planted some lettuce seeds in a make shift green house
(i.e. baseball card pockets taped on window) It has been fun watching them grow.
This was a fun and interactive way to reinforce the creation story.
I found that doing a short song each day helped my kids remember what God created.
Each day we added a new verse...
Each day we added a new verse...
"Day one, Day one God made light where there was none.
Day two, Day two God made clouds and sky so blue.
Day three, Day three God made flowers, and plants and trees.
Day four, Day four God made sun, moon, stars galore.
Day five, Day five God made birds and fish alive.
Day six, Day six God made animals and man that day.
Day seven, Day seven God rested in His Heaven"
(For the tune you can listen Here)
"You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Genesis 2:17
There were not many books I found about Adam and Eve in the garden. I checked out this Bible which uses rhymes to tell the stories. Hannah (2 yrs old) really enjoyed this one.
Ken Ham has a series of books that focus on the accounts in Genesis. I would highly recommend anything written by Ken Ham, although this book was a little over my kids heads being only 4 and 2.
We love the "What's in the Bible?" Series!
We have the DVD set but you can also watch this on Right Now Media.
Sequencing Cards
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The kids made snakes by twisting pipe cleaners together. I read Gen 2-3:24 and
every time I said "snake" they had to raise their snake high. It was a good way for them to actively listen.
For two days I had out two plates (one with candy and one with good snacks). I instructed them to "not eat the candy" just as God told Adam not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Although Hannah often touched the candies, Benjamin would remind her of the rule and she never ate any! It was a great object lesson to discuss temptation and obeying.
We got creative and acted out the story of the fall. We used our basketball goal is our fruit tree (lol). The first time we acted it out it was an epic FAIL! Frank and I were Adam and Eve and Benjamin was the snake. I brought the candy plate to use as the "forbidden fruit". When I took a candy Benjamin started wailing and crying "Nooooo!!!" I told him that the snake encouraged eating the fruit but he was hysterical. Finally he cried "But now you're going to DIE!!!" He was not kidding...poor guy thought Frank and I had eaten poisonous candy. Despite our best efforts to recover he did not want to eat that candy anymore - Ha!
The next day the kids wanted to act out the story over and over so I guess he had not been truly traumatized. This time they were Adam and Eve. I wrapped them up in their lovies as a visual of how God sacrificed the first animals and made coverings for Adam and Eve.
"But Noah found favor with the Lord." Genesis 6:8
There are an abundance of books about Noah's ark since it's a popular child's Bible story, however not all of them are historically accurate.
There are lots of fun coloring pages for each story - It's an easy thing to google and find. As the kids would do their coloring/painting I would talk through the story. I found they listen better when their little hands are busy.
We talked a lot about rainbows which was God's sign of His covenant. Every morning we have a rainbow on our radiator and the kids love to try and hold the rainbow : )
This was a fun song to sing and learn during the week.
We built a Noah's Ark out of blocks and loaded it with all our animals.
We also found different containers and floated them in our bathtub with animals
Noah's Ark felt board book
Sequencing Cards
I used hot glue and we made an ark from graham crackers and pretzel sticks. The kids painted the "pitch" or tar on the ark to make it waterproof.
Finished product
Tower of Babel:
"Come, let us build for ourselves a tower whose top will reach into Heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves." Genesis 11:4
We built towers all week long out of different things: Wooden blocks, play dough, bowls, legos...
Benjamin would say, "I'm going to make it reach into the Heavens!"
I found a fun tower building game. Roll the dice and move the spaces which would tell you how many legos to use to build your tower. The winner was the one with the tallest tower at the end.
Our craft board
Sequencing Cards
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One of the ways to reinforce the Tower of Babel was to talk about how God confused the languages. This fun video/song is about how to say "hello" in different languages. We practiced saying them throughout the week.