Thursday, September 15, 2016

Judges Era

Judges Era:
(Sin Cycles) / Gideon / Samson / Samuel
**For more activity ideas check out my Pinterest Page HERE 

God had led His People to defeat their enemies and to take the Promised Land through the leadership of Joshua.  After Joshua died, there was no one to lead the people and they turned their backs on God.  Their enemies began to fight against them and defeat them.  God’s people cried out and God raised up Judges to lead the people. This "sin cycle" happened seven times during this era following the same pattern in the diagram above.

Since my kids are young I found these pictures to be a helpful way to visualize the sin cycle and explain it on a preschool level. Emphasize God always heard their cry for help each time they got into bondage after having left Him.  He always had compassion on them, sent a judge to deliver them, and then gave them years of rest.  When the judge would die, they would walk away from God, thus starting the cycle all over again. As we talked about Gideon, Samson, and Samuel I reinforced the sin cycle. 

The Judges

Each man did what he thought was right
In his own eyes, and yet
In God’s eyes it was very wrong
His rules had long been set.
Yet Israel went along her way
Just doing as she would.
Whatever each man chose to do
He did and called it good.
God judged them time and time again
For sins that they had done.
They’d cry out in their pain and then
The Lord would raise up one
Who’d rescue them from enemies
And lead them for a time.
Then he (or she) would die and back
Into such sin they’d climb!
The cycle never seemed to end
They never, ever learned.
Instead of seeking their true God
To others’ gods, they’d turn.
At last God said they’d sinned enough
And drove them from the land.
Rebuke would come to Judah, too,
By God Almighty’s hand.
But He will bring them home again
When they accept His Son
And humbly bow their heads and say,
“My Lord, Thy will be done.”

"Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised— look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said.” And that is what happened. Gideon rose early the next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew—a bowlful of water." 
Judges 6:36-38

Acting out the stories of the Bible help them come alive and make them memorable.

We talked about how God told Gideon to choose his army by how they drank the water. This was fun to act out as well : )


Veggie Tales has a cute movie that highlights the life of Gideon. If you have Hulu or Amazon Prime you can watch it on TV. If not, you can watch it online HERE


After reading the story of Samson a few times in books I checked out from the library we wrote a "Samson fact" on each chain link which tells the story of his life. This was a great way for the kids to work on active listening. Then we added our chain to the chalkboard drawing for the week. 

Benjamin loved acting out the story of Samson - especially having long hair and knocking over pillars!

At church he said "I'm as strong as Samson!"

Samson Quiz PRINT

We used this booklet while reading the story and discussed the Bible facts


The story of Samuel who was the (last judge and first prophet) starts with his mother, Hannah, praying to God for a child. 

This was an opportunity to talk to the kids about prayer and how we can always come to God with our needs and desires. He sees and He hears! 

"Speak Lord, your servant is listening." 1 Samuel 3:10
We used this LINK to print off and make "listening ears". We talked about how Samuel listened to God and how we can too.

Call of Samuel activity:
Have your kids go hide, and when you call their name they have to come running and say "Yes Lord, your servant is listening." Bonus: This is a fun way to practice first time obedience : )


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Conquest Era

Conquest Era:
(Jordan River / Jericho / Divide and Conquer Promise Land)
** Want more activity ideas? Check out my Pinterest Board HERE

Jordan River

Simple craft used to talk about how God split the Jordan River as they crossed into the Promise Land. Glued goldfish crackers onto the blue paper (and ate a few during the process). We talked about the differences between the Red Sea and Jordan River crossing.

After crossing the Jordan River a man from each tribe took a smooth river stone from the middle and made a memorial for future generations to remember what God had done.

We looked through our "Stones of Remembrance" jar and remembered what things God has done to provide for our family over the past 10 years. 


I don't usually do themed snacks (it's too much work) but buying Bugles was easy and the kids thought it was fun.

We made trumpets from dollar store party horns and THIS print out.
It was definitely an outdoor activity!

Building Jericho's strong walls

Marching the ark of the covenant around Jericho
My kids learned the 3 things in the ark: Jar of manna, Aaron's staff, 10 Commandments

When the walls of Jericho fell Rahab's house (in the wall) remained standing because she believed God!

Jericho Quiz: Print HERE

After the Israelites conqured Jericho the divided and conquered the rest of the Promised Land. This was a difficult week to teach on a PK level but I used this week to talk about the geography and review Creation-Conquest Eras.

This is a great book I found at my church library

I copied and laminated a map from this book to talk about the journey from Creation thru Conquest

After drawing it a few times Benjamin was able to draw the journey himself with a few cues

We talked about dividing the land into the 12 tribes of Israel

Frank had a fun idea that we did every day. I bought some ninja warriors and hid them around the house each night. In the morning Benjamin and Hannah (Caleb and Joshua) had to find and conquer the Promised Land. They LOVED this!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Exodus Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Exodus Era:
(Moses: Deliverance/ The Law / Red Sea / 40 Yrs Wandering)
For more ideas check out my pinterest board: HERE

You could easily spend several weeks on the life of Moses. The highlights I focused on were: Moses as a baby / 10 Plagues / Red Sea / 10 Commandments / 40 Yrs Wandering
We talked about weaving a basket of baby Moses

Baby Moses Craft:
We used a cupcake liner (colored it brown) and traced their hand on green paper (cut it out) for the bulrushes. I printed a picture of a baby and Benjamin colored and cut out. 
Then we glued it all together.

"Where is baby Moses?"

"There he is!"
We talked about why Jochebed had to hide Moses in the bulrushes because Pharaoh wanted to kill all the baby Hebrew boys. 

This is a fun story to act out!

Make baby Moses boats out of foil and float "lego babies"

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Patriarchs Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Patriarchs Era 
(Abraham / Isaac / Jacob / Joseph)
For more ideas check out my Pinterest Board: HERE

Timeline of the Patriarchs Era

"Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you are able to count them - so shall your descendants be."
Genesis 5:15

Hands-On Activities:
Stars were a major theme this week as we talked about the above verse

One of my favorite activities was painting glitter on paper.
I asked the kids to count the stars...obviously there were too many to count

Then we cut out several stars and wrote names of all our family members.
This helped them realize that the stars represented people

This is a flashlight toy we got in a CFA kids meal. You can also make your own constellations with a flashlight and paper with holes poked in it. The kids had fun trying to count the stars at bedtime.

God promised Abraham 3 things: 
Land (Promise Land), 
Seed (Jesus born through his line), 
Blessing (Large family that God would bless)
**I do not have a template for this...I just cut out a large "3" and made pics to represent the promises

We used 2 brown paper bags to create a tent for Abe and Sarah
This was part of us acting out the story

I love this video because it's kids telling the story of Abe

We read the story of Abraham several different ways: Books, different Bibles, videos, interactive apps. The Bible for Kids app has comprehension questions throughout the story.

A fun song with motions

Coloring Pages:

Comprehension Questions to ask while kids color: 
Name the people in this story.
What did God promise Abraham?
Did Sarah believe God?  Why?
Abraham and Sarah had to be patient for God to do what He said.  Did God give them a baby?
What was the baby's name?

Story Review:
Print and cut sequencing cards Here

Picture Quiz: Print Here
"The Lord will provide" Genesis 22:14

Hands-On Activity:
Making stones for our alter out of crumbled newspaper

We built alters all week long...too bad Hannah thought they were snowmen - Ha!

Acting out the story:
Riding donkeys to the mountain
Binding Isaac with rope and laying him on the alter
Finding a ram caught in the thicket
Replacing Isaac with ram

I printed and laminated these characters which we used as another way to act out the story. 

I have found that my kids listen better when their hands are busy. These are great times to read the story aloud and ask questions.

Coloring pages:
Print Here
You can cut out the ram and glue cotton balls on it for texture

Print Here

Comprehension Questions to ask while kids color: 
What did God ask Abraham to do?
Did Abraham obey God?
What did Isaac ask his father on the way to the sacrifice?
What did God provide for the sacrifice?

Jacob and Esau:

"...The older will serve the younger." Genesis 25:23

God's Story is a great video series that tells the stories of the Bible in a fun way for kids

Hands-On Activity:

Making Jacob and Esau puppets to discuss the differences between the brothers

Jacob: Younger, Shepard, smooth skin, cooked, loved by his mother
Esau: Older, Hunter, hairy man, loved by his father

We used the puppets to act out the story

Coloring Pages:

Comprehension Questions to ask while kids color: 
Which brother was a hunter?
Which brother did Rebekah love the most?
How did Jacob get Esau's birthright?
What does it mean to have a birthright?
How did Jacob steal Esau's blessing?

Acting out the Story:
Esau comes home from a hunt and is hungry
Jacob makes a pot of soup
Esau sells his birthright to Esau for soup
Jacob puts on animal skin to trick his Father Isaac and steals Esau's blessing

Story Review:
Picture Quiz: Print Here

Sequencing cards Print Here


Joseph's Story is ?? chapters in Genesis. You could easily spend weeks on his story but for the purposes of the era study I decided to hit the highlights (Colored coat, sold into slavery, jail, becoming 2nd in command in Egypt)

Acting out the story - We made a "jail" for Joseph and talked about how he interpreted the dreams of the baker and cup bearer.

Coloring Sheets:
Great for keeping the kids hands "busy" while listening to the story being read

Joseph Quiz

Here is the cut and glue lift-the-flap worksheet that can be used by itself, or with the lapbook printab

My Kids love watching these God's Story videos

**For more ideas on the Patriarchs Era visit my Pinterest page: