Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Exodus Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Exodus Era:
(Moses: Deliverance/ The Law / Red Sea / 40 Yrs Wandering)
For more ideas check out my pinterest board: HERE

You could easily spend several weeks on the life of Moses. The highlights I focused on were: Moses as a baby / 10 Plagues / Red Sea / 10 Commandments / 40 Yrs Wandering
We talked about weaving a basket of baby Moses

Baby Moses Craft:
We used a cupcake liner (colored it brown) and traced their hand on green paper (cut it out) for the bulrushes. I printed a picture of a baby and Benjamin colored and cut out. 
Then we glued it all together.

"Where is baby Moses?"

"There he is!"
We talked about why Jochebed had to hide Moses in the bulrushes because Pharaoh wanted to kill all the baby Hebrew boys. 

This is a fun story to act out!

Make baby Moses boats out of foil and float "lego babies"