Monday, January 9, 2017

Missions Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Missions Era:
(1st Journey / 2nd Journey / 3rd Journey / Trials &Imprisonment)

For more ideas check out my Pinterest Board: (HERE)
Storyline Summary: Paul expands the church into the Roman Empire during the next two decades.

Books of Bible: Acts 13-28

Bible Fun for Kids: Review of Paul's Life

Bible Fun for Kids: Paul's Travels

Life of Paul Lapbook:

Paul Activities:

Church Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Church Era:
(Creation / Growth / Persecution / Transition)

For more ideas check out my Pinterest Board: (HERE)
Storyline Summary: Peter shortly after the ascension of Jesus is used by God to establish the church, God's next major plan for man

Books of Bible: Acts 1-12

Acts Activities:

Gospel Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Gospel Era:
(Early Life / Early Ministry / Late Ministry / Death & Resurrection)

For more ideas check out my Pinterest Board: HERE 

Storyline Summary: Jesus comes in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of a savior and offers salvation and the true kingdom of God. While some accept Him, most reject Him, and He is crucified, buried, and resurrected. 

Books of Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

You can find great crafts for the early life of Jesus at  Play Through The Bible

Birth of Jesus Quiz: HERE

Jesus in the temple Game:
Play “hide and seek Jesus.” Designate a place to be the “temple” – it could be a certain room, under the table, a fort, etc. Have your child hide there and then wander around “looking for him/her.” Make a big production of it when you find him/her in the “temple.” 

Jesus in the Temple Quiz: HERE

Activities for Jesus' Baptism found at Bible Fun for Kids

Temptation Review Game HERE

Activities for Jesus choosing the 12 Disciples and much more at Bible Fun for Kids

Miracles of Jesus Quiz: HERE


Palm Sunday:
"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the Highest."
Matthew 21:9


Hands-On Activities:

Donkey Craft

I let my kids pick out special rocks and we glued googly eyes and drew mouths on them.
This was a great object lesson about how "if they keep quiet, the rocks will cry out..." Luke 19:40
We kept them out all week as a reminder to praise God

Cut out palm branches to use while acting out the story

Acting out the Story:
Jesus' Triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Coats on ground
Wave palm branches saying "Hosanna!"

My church is amazing and does a dramatization of Palm Sunday for the kids.
Since we had been discussing it all week it made Sunday more meaningful.

"He is not here for He is risen as He said."
Matthew 28:6


Most of the activities we did for Holy Week were from  "A Sense of the Resurrection". I would HIGHLY recommend investing in this resource. For $7.99 you have access to 12 fun, hands-on, easy, meaningful activities that help your kids come face to face with Easter.
Below are a just couple of the activities we did this year.

There is a banner that goes with each day's activity

Washing friends feet
Talked about serving others as Christ

Making special bread together

Benjamin was proud of the final product

Discussed what it meant for Jesus die on the cross for our sins
(Yes, I know the nails were actually in the wrist)

Tasting vinegar and talking more about sin

Toddler Version of Resurrection Eggs:
This is a simple timeline of the Holy Week:
1. Bread - Jesus ate bread with his friends
2. Cross - Died on the cross 
3. Cloth - wrapped in cloth and placed in a tomb
4. Rock - tomb sealed with a stone
5. Nothing - Empty tomb
6. Prize - "Jesus is Alive!" the sweet surprise of Easter

Every morning the kids would have to go around the house and find the eggs then we sat down and walked through the story as above. They wanted to do it multiple times a day but I think that had more to do with the bread and jellybeans than the story - ha!

This was a craft given to us by our church but you could make your own Holy Week wreath to highlight the timeline of events:
Journey into Jerusalem
Palm Sunday
The Last Supper
Jesus Prays
Jesus Dies on the Cross
Jesus is Resurrected
Jesus Ascends into Heaven

The kids wanted to hang it on our tree outside

Empty Tomb Rolls:
Ingredients needed: Marshmallows, butter, cinnamon/sugar, crescent rolls

Dip marshmallow in butter and cover in cinnamon/sugar which represents Jesus' body prepared for burial. Then wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll which represents them wrapping Jesus body in cloth. Oven = Tomb. Cook for 8-10m at 350...

The Tomb is Empty!
He is Risen!

Our church also does a walk through Resurrection Journey the day before Easter. 
It was a wonderful way to lead up to Easter Sunday.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Silence Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Silence Era:
(Changing guard / political sects / religious sects / Messianic hope)

For more ideas check out my Pinterest Board: HERE
Storyline Summary: Pharisees and others entomb the Israelites in legalism for the next 400 years. 

Books of Bible: 400 years between OT and NT

Return Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Return Era:
(Despair / Temple / People / Walls)

For more ideas check out my Pinterest Board: HERE

Storyline Summary: Ezra leads the people back from exile to rebuild Jerusalem
Books of Bible: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Exile Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Exile Era:
(Prophecy / Prophets / Exiles / Persian Empire)

For more ideas check out my Exile Era Pinterest Board: HERE

Storyline Summary: Daniel gives leadership and encourages faithfulness among the exiles for the next 70 years.
Books of Bible: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel

Excellent short overview of the Exile Era

What's in the Bible is a great series for teaching children about the eras of the Bible

Prophet Timeline Printout

Activities and Ideas for teaching Major/Minor Prophets

Printable for Craft HERE

Kingdom Era

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series yet I recommend going here.

Kingdom Era:
(Saul/David/Solomon/N.&S. Kingdom)

For more ideas check out my Kingdom Era Pinterest Board: HERE

"...God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7b

King Saul

David was a Shepard

We made "harps" out of rubber bands and shoe box

We made a 9 foot Goliath in the hallway and practiced throwing "stones" (aka soft balls)
Benjamin nailed him right on the forehead

During a life group event we acted out the story of David and Goliath

It was fun and memorable : )

We talked about Samuel anointing David as king

Check out these great Kings and Chronicles activites for kids from 

Review Game:
I made 3 different tissue boxes for the Kings (Saul, David, Solomon)
Printed out facts about each one and had Benjamin put them in the right box. 

After Solomon died the Kingdom as divided into Northern (Israel) and Southern (Judah) Kingdom. This is a great visual to see how many good kings and bad kings each had.
